Batting Average Calculator

Definition: Batting Average is a statistic in baseball that is used to measure the performance of batters success at the plate.

Batting average is often used when comparing batters. Generally the best batters in the game can reach over a .300 and there have been twenty players that manage a batting average of at least .400 in a single season of major league baseball with the last player to do so being Ted Williams in 1941, he played for the Boston Red Sox.

A batting average of .400 is four hits in every 10 at-bats, so while a batting average is important it does not account for all aspects of the game. As it doesn't account for any time a batter makes the base by walks etc.

Good batting averages on a team does help them win more games. You can calculate the winning percentage of a team with our Winning Percentage Calculator.

Batting Average Formula: Hits/ at Bats = Batting Average

How to calculate Batting Average

Lets say a batter gets a 146 hits in a season and has 530 at bats, to calculate the batting average all we have to do is 146/530 = 0.275 being the batting average. A batting average is generally expressed as a decimal of 3 places. A batting average of 0.000 means a player has no hits, while a 1.000 means they get a hit every time they bat.
Batting Averages
Hits # At-Bats Batting Average Hits # At-Bats Batting Average Hits # At-Bats Batting Average

How to Use Batting Average Calculator

Enter the hits for the season.

Enter the at bats.

Press calculate.

Batting Average Calculator